TLS, PKI, DNS and other TLA

Lightning Talk
February 29th, 2024

What is TLS?

  • Stands for Transport Layer Security
  • Encrypts data in transit
  • Supersedes SSL

What is PKI?

  • Stands for Public Key Infrastructure
  • Manages digital certificates
  • Enables secure communication

What is DNS?

  • Stands for Domain Name System
  • Resolves domain names to IP addresses
  • Enables human-readable URLs

How do TLS, PKI, and DNS work together?

  • TLS uses PKI to secure connections
  • DNS resolves domain names to IP addresses
  • TLS web certificates encrypt traffic and confirm host identity

How do TLS certs get validated?

  • Root CA signs intermediate CA
  • Intermediate CA signs server certificate
  • Client validates server certificate chain

How does signing authority trust you?

  • Prove you own the domain by:
    • Adding a DNS record
    • Uploading a file to the server
    • Responding to an email

Thank you!
